

Windows is the most predominant operating system in today’s world because of its easy-to-use GUI accessibility. About 85% of the market share has become a critical OS to attack. Furthermore, most organizations use Active Directory to set up their Windows domain networks. Microsoft employs NTLM (New Technology LAN Manager) & Kerberos for authentication services. Despite known vulnerabilities, NTLM remains widely deployed even on new systems to maintain compatibility with legacy clients and servers.
This lab focuses on how a File Inclusion vulnerability on a webpage being served on a windows machine can be exploited to collect the NetNTLMv2 challenge of the user that is running the web server. We will use a utility called Responder to capture a NetNTLMv2 hash and later use a utility known as john the ripper to test millions of potential passwords to see if they match the one used to create the hash. We will also be taking a deeper look at the working process of NTLM authentication and how the Responder utility captures the challenge. We believe that it’s crucial to understand the under the hood workings of a tool or a framework as it strengthens the foundation of one’s understanding, which aids in the real world exploit scenarios that one might face, which do not appear to be vulnerable at the first look. Let’s dive straight into it.

Windows是当今世界上最主要的操作系统,因为它易于使用的GUI可访问性。大约85%的市场份额已经成为攻击的关键操作系统。此外,大多数组织都使用Active Directory来设置其Windows域网络。Microsoft使用NTLM(新技术局域网管理器)和Kerberos进行身份验证服务。尽管存在已知的漏洞,NTLM仍然被广泛部署在新系统上,以保持与旧客户端和服务器的兼容性。
本实验室的重点是如何利用windows计算机上提供的网页上的文件包含漏洞来收集运行web服务器的用户的NetNTLMv2挑战。我们将使用一个名为Responder的实用程序来捕获NetNTLMv2哈希,然后使用一个称为john the ripper的实用程序测试数百万个潜在密码,看看它们是否与用于创建哈希的密码匹配。我们还将深入了解NTLM身份验证的工作过程,以及响应程序实用程序如何应对这一挑战。我们认为,理解一个工具或框架的幕后工作至关重要,因为它加强了人们理解的基础,有助于在现实世界中利用人们可能面临的场景,而这些场景乍一看并不脆弱。让我们直接切入。


We will begin by scanning the host for any open ports and running services with a Nmap scan. We will be using the following flags for the scan:


According to the results of the Nmap scan, the machine is using Windows as its operating system. Two ports were detected as open having Apache web server running on port 80 along with WinRM on port 5985 .

根据Nmap扫描的结果,该机器正在使用Windows作为其操作系统。检测到两个端口打开,Apache web服务器在端口80上运行,WinRM在端口5985上运行。

Website Enumeration

On opening Firefox and putting http://[target ip] , the browser returns a message about being unable to find that site. Looking in the URL bar, it now shows http://unika.htb . The website has redirected the browser to a new URL, and your host doesn’t know how to find unika.htb . This webserver is employing name-based Virtual Hosting for serving the requests.


Name-Based Virtual hosting is a method for hosting multiple domain names (with separate handling ofeach name) on a single server. This allows one server to share its resources, such as memory and processor cycles, without requiring all the services to be used by the same hostname.
The web server checks the domain name provided in the Host header field of the HTTP request and sends a response according to that.

The /etc/hosts file is used to resolve a hostname into an IP address & thus we will need to add an entry in the /etc/hosts file for this domain to enable the browser to resolve the address for unika.htb .


Entry in the /etc/hosts file :

echo " unika.htb" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts

Adding this entry in the /etc/hosts file will enable the browser to resolve the hostname unika.htb to
the corresponding IP address & thus make the browser include the HTTP header Host: unika.htb in
every HTTP request that the browser sends to this IP address, which will make the server respond with the webpage for unika.htb .

On accessing the web page we are presented with a web designing business landing page.


Checking the site out, we see nothing of particular interest. Although, we notice a language selection option on the navbar EN and changing the option to FR takes us to a French version of the website.


Noticing the URL, we can see that the french.html page is being loaded by the page parameter, which may potentially be vulnerable to a Local File Inclusion (LFI) vulnerability if the page input is not sanitized.


File Inclusion Vulnerability

Dynamic websites include HTML pages on the fly using information from the HTTP request to include GET and POST parameters, cookies, and other variables. It is common for a page to “include” another page based on some of these parameters.




We test the page parameter to see if we can include files on the target system in the server response. We will test with some commonly known files that will have the same name across networks, Windows domains, and systems which can be found here. One of the most common files that a penetration tester might attempt to access on a Windows machine to verify LFI is the hosts file, WINDOWS\System32\drivers\etc\hosts (this file aids in the local translation of host names to IP
addresses). The ../ string is used to traverse back a directory, one at a time. Thus multiple ../ strings are included in the URL so that the file handler on the server traverses back to the base directory i.e. C:\ .



Great, LFI is possible as we can view the contents of the C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts file in the response.

The file inclusion, in this case, was made possible because in the backend the include() method of PHP is being used to process the URL parameter page for serving a different webpage for different languages. And because no proper sanitization is being done on this page parameter, we were able to pass malicious input and therefore view the internal system files.

What is the include() method in PHP?

File 1 --> vars.php
$color = 'green';
$fruit = 'apple';
File 2 --> test.php
echo "A $color $fruit"; // output = "A"
include 'vars.php';
echo "A $color $fruit"; // output = "A green apple"

What is NTLM (New Technology Lan Manager)?

NTLM is a collection of authentication protocols created by Microsoft. It is a challenge-response
authentication protocol used to authenticate a client to a resource on an Active Directory domain.
It is a type of single sign-on (SSO) because it allows the user to provide the underlying authentication factor only once, at login.

NTLM是由Microsoft创建的身份验证协议的集合。它是一种质询-响应身份验证协议,用于将客户端身份验证为Active Directory域上的资源。

The NTLM authentication process is done in the following way :

  1. The client sends the user name and domain name to the server.
  2. The server generates a random character string, referred to as the challenge.
  3. The client encrypts the challenge with the NTLM hash of the user password and sends it back to the server.
  4. The server retrieves the user password (or equivilent).
  5. The server uses the hash value retrieved from the security account database to encrypt the challenge string. The value is then compared to the value received from the client. If the values match, the client is authenticated.



  • 散列函数是一种单向函数,它接受任意数量的数据并返回固定大小的值。
  • NTHash是用于在SAM数据库和域控制器中的Windows系统上存储密码的算法的输出。NTHash通常被称为NTLM哈希,甚至只是NTLM,这非常具有误导性/混淆性。
  • 当NTLM协议想要通过网络进行身份验证时,它会使用如上所述的质询/响应模型。NetNTLMv2质询/响应是一个专门格式化为包括质询和响应的字符串。这通常被称为NetNTLMv2哈希,但实际上并不是哈希。尽管如此,它通常被称为哈希,因为我们以同样的方式攻击它。您将看到NetNTLMv2对象被称为NTLMv2,甚至被混淆为NTLM。

Using Responder